October 1935

A Written Life
4 min readJan 19, 2021


October 1- Tuesday. Nice day. I felt bum all day. Dad went to town adn got stuff to can. We put in a quilt and started quilting. Got letters from Louise, Mary R. and Katherine Ely.

October 2- Wednesday. Nice day. My back hurt me all day as didn’t do much. Quilted a little. Fred K. was here also Mrs. Daniels and her daughter came after pickles. Mr. Welch called tonite.

October 3- Thursday. Pretty warm today. I quilted some this morn. Felt bad all day. Mamma canned stuff today. Not much doing around here.

October 4- Friday. Nice day. Mamma washed and I cleaned up 2 bedrooms. I felt better today. Kepleys started to work down South of us. Dad went to Grange.

October 5- Saturday. Rather cool and windy. I cleaned up the house and baked a cake. We ironed. Got a letter from Kay. Claude and Ralph brought the binder over.

October 6- Sunday. Cloudy and cold all day. I done up most of the work this morn and got dinner. Slept and read in afternoon. Fred Kolb was here.

October 7- Monday. Nice day. I quilted and read. Some ladies came after pickles. Claude P. cut feed and Mrs. K. Pearce and Levon were here a few minutes.

October 8- Tuesday. Lovely day. Willard Pearce came and finished cutting our feed. I quilted quite lot. Got our pictures also a letter from Meryl.

October 9- Wednesday. Windy and dusty day. Quilted some and slept some this afternoon. Dad went to town. Clarence came home from Kepleys. Didn’t get any mail today.

October 10- Thursday. Rather windy. I quilted some today. Lennie was sick this morn and liked to scared us all to death. Read the papers this eve.

October 11- Friday. Nice day. Lovely evening. I washed this morning and just laid around this afternoon. Wrote a letter to Meryl and one to Mary Ruth.

October 12- Saturday. Beautiful day. Quilted some, cleaned up the house this eve. Granthams came up this eve and we had ice cream and a good time.

October 13- Sunday. Nice day. We had ice cream again today. Dad and I went to Bethel to Grandma Tremble’s funeral. She was 94 years old.

October 14- Monday. Nice day. Quilted some this morn. Went to town this afternoon. Got some lace to finish up my fancy work.

October 15- Tuesday. Windy dusty day. We finished quilting Mother’s quilt and I worked on my lunch cloth. Ed. Kepley came and got their maize. Paul P. was here and got eggs.

October 16- Wednesday. Nice day. I made a pie for dinner. Finished up some fancy this afternoon, a pair of pillow cases, a luncheon cloth, and centerpiece. Heard from Louise.

October 17- Thursday. Cool and windy. We washed today. I finished a dresser scarf. Sure is pretty. Paul P. came after water this evening.

October 18- Friday. Nice day. I cleaned up 2 bedrooms. Mrs. Poole and Mrs. Lindsley were here for dinner. Granthams came by and took Clarence and I to Literary.

October 19- Saturday. Lovely day. I cleaned up the house and baked a cake. Dad and C. went to town. Paul P. was here this eve.

October 20- Sunday. Nice day till afternoon when it got windy. Had a shower last nite. Dad and I went to Church this morn. Had a real good service.

October 21- Monday. Rather cool. I done a little fancy work this morn. Put a quilt in the frames this aft. Paul and Fred were here. C. went to work for Elmer Hennigh.

October 22- Tuesday. Cold and cloudy. I quilted a little and done some other sewing. Fred K. and Paul P. were here. Clarence didn’t work for Elmer today.

October 23- Wednesday. Cold today. I washed today. Put up the heating stove. Got the order. I got a letter from Meryl. Mr. Welch called this eve.

October 24- Thursday. Cold and cloudy. We ironed today. Red Cregin came and got C. to work for them. Fred K. was here. I sewed a little. Radio program is good tonight.

October 25- Friday. Not as cold but windy. Didn’t do much but read etc. Dad got the mail and I got quite a few papers. Heard several good plays tonite.

October 26- Saturday. Nice day. Dad went to town. I cleaned up the house. Just laid around this aft. Listened to radio tonite. Clarence came home tonight.

October 27- Sunday. Lovely day. I felt bad all day. Just laid around. Was outdoors some in aft. Read and played dominoes this eve.

October 28- Monday. Lovely day. Tried to do some fancy work. Listened to radio a lot. John L. came and got C. to work. Paul P. was here. Wrote a letter to Meryl.

October 29- Tuesday. Windy and dusty today. We brought the quilt downstairs and quilted all day. Paul P. was here for dinner. Mrs. Allen had her sale today.

October 30- Wednesday. Dusty windy day. I quilted a lot. Mr. Tuttle, Paul P. and Fred K. were here and threshed. Clarence went to the party at Golden tonight.

October 31- Thursday. Cold today. We washed. I quilted some. Paul P. was here and brought our mail. Clarence came home and went to the box supper at Golden.



A Written Life
A Written Life

Written by A Written Life

A chronological transcription of written entries from 3 antique journals/diaries belonging to 1 woman. Dates from 1933–1972.

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