February 1935

A Written Life
4 min readJan 7, 2021

February 1- Friday. Fairly nice day. We ironed and I made a pie. Dad and C. went to town. I got my jacket. It is real nice. Heard some good plays tonight.

February 2- Saturday. Nice day. I cleaned up the house some. Cleaned up Clarence’s bedroom. Clarence run over Blackie and killed him. Sure miss him.

February 3- Sunday. Nice day. Heard some good Church music over the radio. Didn’t do much only clean up and got dinner. Made a chocolate pie for dinner.

February 4- Monday. Lovely day. I finished my striped dress today. Mailed a letter to Max Mehl. Some book seller was here.

February 5- Tuesday. Fairly nice day. I quilted nearly all day on my Texas Star. Mrs. Kate Pearce and Lavon were here. Didn’t do much only quilt today.

February 6- Wednesday. Rather cold and cloudy today. I quilted a lot on my Lone Star quilt. My fingers are sure sore tonight. Didn’t hear the plays tonite as battery’s down.

February 7- Thursday. Cloudy and misty all day. I quilted all day. mamma washed today. Got a letter from Uncle Charley today. Clarence went to Big Bow after gas.

February 8- Friday. Cloudy and misty most all day. I finished my Lone Star quilt today. It surely is pretty. Lennie ironed and Mom baked a cake.

February 9- Saturday. Cloudy and cold all day. I cleaned up the house. Mom baked bread. Clarence went to Big Bow. Are listening to the radio tonight.

February 10- Sunday. Cloudy and cold most all day. Mr. and Mrs. Harmon and Jessie came and spent the afternoon. Heard Church services from Topeka this morning.

February 11- Monday. Lovely day. Sewed on Lennie’s quilt. Was outdoors a lot. Paul Payton came over and he and Dad hauled a load of feed. Got a card from Max Mehl regarding my book I sent for.

February 12- Tuesday. Rather cold today. Clarence went to Big Bow. I cleaned up the house. Melvin brought our machinery home. Today was Mamma’s birthday.

February 13- Wednesday. Fairly nice day. I cleaned my bedroom this afternoon. The baker man was here today. Sent off a letter to Kathlene, Mrs. Lashbough and Max Mehl.

February 14- Thursday. Rather windy and cold. I washed today. Got a letter from Vera Foster. Mrs. Hazell and Mrs. Tuttle were here to see Mamma and fill out a blank for Mrs. Hamon.

February 15- Friday. Awful windy dirty day. Didn’t do anything only read some old letters. Played dominoes this eve. Listened to radio some.

February 16- Saturday. Cold and windy. I baked a cake and swept. The dirt blowed too bad to do much. Got a letter from Dorothy.

February 17- Sunday. Windy and dusty again today. Didn’t do much today. Wrote a letter to Louise. Was outdoors some this evening.

February 18- Monday. Lovely day. I cleaned up the house some. Dad and Clarence went to town. John Lemmings was here hunting a cow.

February 19- Tuesday. Lovely day. I baked 2 apple pies this morning. Was outdoors some. Didn’t do much out of the ordinary.

February 20- Wednesday. Lovely day till evening when it got windy and dusty. I washed today. We worked in the garden some. Mr. Welch called this evening.

February 21- Thursday. Awful windy dusty day. Mama baked bread. I baked 2 pies. Wrote a letter to Luella. Got some new cataloges. Everything is covered with dust.

February 22- Friday. Fairly nice day. We cleaned out some of the dust that blowed in yesterday. The radio program was pretty good tonight.

February 23- Saturday. Awful dusty all day. I baked a cake and we ironed. Didn’t do much only read. Clarence has gone over to Kepleys to a party for Mr. K.

February 24- Sunday. Woke up with a awful dust storm in the air. Later turned to snow. Blizzard all day. Didn’t do much as was too cold.

February 25- Monday. Cold today. Didn’t do much as was too cold. Crocheted some on a dresser scarf. Listened to the radio a lot today.

February 26- Tuesday. Fairly nice but rather cold and windy. We cleaned up the house today. Dad and C. went to town. I baked 2 apple pies this morning.

February 27- Wednesday. Fairly nice day. Clarence went to a sale with Paul Payton. A man was here selling the Country Gentleman. We cleaned up the cupboards.

February 28- Nice day. We washed today. I read quite a bit today. Mr. Edwards was here. The radio program was pretty good tonite.



A Written Life

A chronological transcription of written entries from 3 antique journals/diaries belonging to 1 woman. Dates from 1933–1972.